Channel: In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java? - Stack Overflow
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Answer by IsraelCena for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

Using forEach:int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5};Arrays.stream(numbers).forEach(System.out::println);Response:12345The process finished with exit code 0PS: You need a Array (int[] numbers), and import...

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Answer by Java-Dev for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

The code would be:import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class ForLoopDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> someList = new ArrayList<String>();...

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Answer by nabayram for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

I think this will work:for (Iterator<String> i = someList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String x = i.next(); System.out.println(x);}

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Answer by mightyWOZ for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

As many of other answers correctly state, the for each loop is just syntactic sugar over the same old for loop and the compiler translates it to the same old for loop.javac (OpenJDK) has a switch,...

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Answer by vivekkurien for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

In Java 8, they introduced forEach. Using it List, Maps can be looped.Loop a List using for eachList<String> someList = new...

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Answer by Du-Lacoste for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

Using older Java versions, including Java 7, you can use a foreach loop as follows.List<String> items = new...

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Answer by gomisha for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

The Java for each loop (aka enhanced for loop) is a simplified version of a for loop. The advantage is that there is less code to write and less variables to manage. The downside is that you have no...

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Answer by stackFan for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

Prior to Java 8, you need to use the following:Iterator<String> iterator = someList.iterator();while (iterator.hasNext()) { String item = iterator.next(); System.out.println(item);}However, with...

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Answer by Rei Brown for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

This looks crazy but hey it worksList<String> someList = new ArrayList<>(); //has contentsomeList.forEach(System.out::println);This works. Magic

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Answer by Alexander Drobyshevsky for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop...

An alternative to forEach in order to avoid your "for each":List<String> someList = new ArrayList<String>();Variant 1 (plain):someList.stream().forEach(listItem -> {...

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Answer by L Joey for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

As so many good answers said, an object must implement the Iterable interface if it wants to use a for-each loop.I'll post a simple example and try to explain in a different way how a for-each loop...

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Answer by Santhosh Rajkumar for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work...

public static Boolean Add_Tag(int totalsize){ List<String> fullst = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int k=0; k<totalsize; k++) { fullst.addAll(); }}

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Answer by akhil_mittal for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

As defined in JLS, a for-each loop can have two forms:If the type of expression is a subtype of Iterable then translation is as:List<String> someList = new...

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Answer by Manohar for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

It adds beauty to your code by removing all the basic looping clutter. It gives a clean look to your code, justified below.Normal for loop:void cancelAll(Collection<TimerTask> list) { for...

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Answer by TheArchon for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

The Java for-each idiom can only be applied to arrays or objects of type *Iterable. This idiom is implicit as it truly backed by an Iterator. The Iterator is programmed by the programmer and often uses...

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Answer by Jrovalle for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

In Java 8 features you can use this:List<String> messages = Arrays.asList("First", "Second", "Third");void forTest(){ messages.forEach(System.out::println);}OutputFirstSecondThird

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Answer by aliteralmind for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

The for-each loop, added in Java 5 (also called the "enhanced for loop"), is equivalent to using a java.util.Iterator--it's syntactic sugar for the same thing. Therefore, when reading each element, one...

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Answer by PrivateName for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

A foreach loop syntax is:for (type obj:array) {...}Example:String[] s = {"Java", "Coffe", "Is", "Cool"};for (String str:s /*s is the array*/) { System.out.println(str);}Output:JavaCoffeIsCoolWARNING:...

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Answer by oneConsciousness for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work...

The concept of a foreach loop as mentioned in Wikipedia is highlighted below:Unlike other for loop constructs, however, foreach loops usually maintain no explicit counter: they essentially say "do this...

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Answer by MRocklin for In detail, how does the 'for each' loop work in Java?

Here is an answer which does not assume knowledge of Java Iterators. It is less precise, but it is useful for education.While programming we often write code that looks like the following:char[] grades...

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